About our seedThe reason Titanpro seeds has become my number one pick for brands over the years is based on bottomline results. Right now in a time when every dollar matters you need a seed company that is not directed by how much money they make on certain products or traits vs the others. We are in a time where having access and availability to all the genetic and trait choices there are gives you the power to choose what you need vs what someone wants to sell you. This is the philosophy behind TitanPro. Remember this seed brand was started by and is owned by a real farmer who knows and cares about having access to all the options in the business today without a bias slant.
Consider this:Consider the opportunity to plant the most profitable seed corn hybrid on the market in North Iowa and Southern MN is at your fingertips every year. What products have been in the trials for 3 years and still showing strength? Which ones are a straight conventional? Take the time to look up the yields of TitanPro hybrids for the last several years in ISU and UMN trials(or ask me for copy). You will find top yielding genetic products that when you put the numbers of yield, moisture, and seed costs into the calculator from U of Wisconsin and compare it to many products being planted, you will see the opportunity.
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Greg Miller
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