About our ChemicalsCrop protection is an exciting area even though we have not had a new herbicide mode of action for many years because the weeds are changing. The plans today are more about knowing how to beat your pests while having access to all the options with competitive prices. This combination puts you in control not the pest. My job puts you in control of the results. Consider how many things are changing with the consolidations of major chemical brands and also the new soybean traits. Having a good relationship with all major crop protection suppliers is what TitanPro does. Add to that the diversity of private label companies and generics and then the volume result of growers in 10 states combining their purchases, and you can see why TitanPro is a strong entity in the crop protection business. This advantage strengthens your bottom line results.
Consider this about Herbicides:What’s driving the hype on new soybean technologies? Look around at the amount of waterhemp visible in soybean fields. The reality we are facing is most of the post emerge herbicide products are now outdated and are expected to fail. The amount of waterhemp with confirmed resistance to glyphosate is not new. What is new to some is the amount of waterhemp that is now confirmed resistant to many of our other choices including Flexstar, and Cobra.
Right now Liberty is the only labeled post emerge product we have that does not have confirmed resistance somewhere. There has been confirmed resistance to dicamba and 24D elsewhere but not here, yet. The importance of reducing the reliance on your post emerge pass is increasing. In addition to a strong two mode of action preemerge herbicide plan consider how other items that help fight weeds fit into your plans: fall tillage, cover crop, spring tillage, quicker canopy closure with narrow rows and high seeding rates, rotary hoe, cultivator, etc. Keeping your fields clean now is more important than the past because we do not have any new herbicide mode of actions coming for at least 10 years, and the weeds are always changing and advancing like Palmer Amaranth is doing now. This means all the herbicide stewardship hype is real right here right now. |
The good news after that is there are plenty of examples where we are raising awesome high yielding soybeans without any weeds. Getting soybeans with high yielding disease tolerant genetics and preserving their yield with an aggressive diverse weed and pest management plan still brings home a respectable profit; even in corn country. Links |
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Greg Miller
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